Product Info Requirements
Product Info Requirements

Product Info Requirements

In order to accurately fulfill orders, Airhouse requires that all products have unique SKUs, are barcoded, and have accurate item weights and dimensions.

Required Product Info

Unique identifier, used by the warehouse to track inventory.
All Products
All products must be barcoded and meet the following standards. If missing from e-commerce store, please add.
All Products
Retail price of product.
All Products
Products must have weights that are as accurate as possible. Incorrect or missing weights may lead to shipping errors or adjustments.
All Products
Products must have dimensions that are as accurate as possible. Incorrect or missing dimensions may lead to shipping errors or adjustments.
All Products
Commodity description used for tariff and tax purposes.
International Shipping
Country of manufacture used for tariff and tax purposes.
International Shipping
Manufacturing cost of products which is used for lost or damaged claims.
International ShippingClaims/Damages
If a SKU is sold and shipped as a case, it must be identified as one in Airhouse to be billed properly.
Products Sold as Cases

Note: If products are not properly identified as cases this may result in billing adjustments causing a delay to invoicing.

Adding Missing Data


Click on any non-bundled SKU within Airhouse to see the inventory detail page. Here you'll be able to see if you are missing any required data.

Some data is required by Airhouse, but not from your platform, such as barcodes in Squarespace or Dimensions in Shopify.

Please reference the sections below for more platform-specific information.

Shopify Product Data

In Shopify you can edit all of the following data within your product settings – SKU, Barcode, etc. Airhouse keeps this data in sync with Shopify.

We recommend you add Dimensions (length x width x height). You will need to enter them in Airhouse, as Shopify does not currently support this data field.

If you change the SKU or barcode on products that have been sent to the warehouse or have inventory, it may cause issues with fulfillment. Please reach out to your Account Manager if you have changed or plan to change your product SKU or barcode.

Shopify Product Data

DataWhere To Edit Data

Squarespace Product Data

In Squarespace you can edit all of the following data within your product settings – SKU, Weight, etc. Airhouse keeps this data in sync with Squarespace.

In Airhouse you will need to add Barcode, Harmonization Code, Country of Origin, and Cost.

If you change the SKU or barcode on products that have been sent to the warehouse or have inventory, it may cause issues with fulfillment. Please reach out to your Account Manager if you have changed or plan to change your product SKU or barcode.

Squarespace Product Data

DataWhere To Edit Data

Custom Stores

With custom stores or integrations, you can edit each field right in Airhouse.