Carrier Claims Policy

Effective Date/Last Revision: July 31, 2023

This Policy outlines the carrier claims policy for Airhouse Inc (”Airhouse”). By using our software, logistics services, and any other related products, you agree to comply with the latest version of our Carrier Claims Policy.


This policy covers the procedures for filing carrier claims related to damaged or lost shipments sent from Airhouse. These can occur either during transit or upon receipt by the end customer. We strive to assist in resolving such issues, although we note that Airhouse does not insure shipments or control carrier logistics.


Please coordinate with your Account Manager to ensure that the necessary details are provided to facilitate the claim process.

Services included:

Airhouse will assist in submitting a claim on the customer's behalf for the following scenarios, dependent on the carrier and service level:

  • Damaged Shipments
    • Airhouse requires photo proof of the item's damage.
  • Lost Shipments
    • The claim process can only commence at least three weeks after a shipment has been picked up by the carrier.
    • Note that we cannot file a claim if the shipping label was never scanned; we can only file claims for shipments that have an initial carrier scan.

Services not included:

While Airhouse will facilitate carrier claim submissions, please note that we do not insure shipments, nor are we responsible for missed carrier pickups, delays, or carrier tracking updates. We highly recommend that you provide insurance for shipments through a third-party service provider, such as Route.

Claim SLA:

Airhouse’s SLA for claims is dependent on the carrier's policies and service level agreements.

Policy violation:

If a Customer violates this Policy, it will result in the voiding of any implied or express warranties that Airhouse provides for its services.

In addition to voiding warranties, violating this Policy may result in additional consequences, such as account suspension or termination, depending on the severity of the violation.

The latest version of our Carrier Claims Policy will be available on our website ( and we reserve the right to change this Policy at any time.

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at