

You can opt in to receive email notifications that provide updates on key events and statuses related to your fulfillment with Airhouse. You can also configure daily, weekly and/or monthly email digests of status updates to provide an overview of completed actions during that time period.

How to set up notifications

On the Settings page in Airhouse, go to the Notifications tab to set up your preferences. Each user on your account has the ability to customize the notifications they receive, as well as the frequency of those notifications.


Simply click Save to save the notification type and add an additional notification if desired.

Which notifications are currently available?

Notifications are currently configurable for the following statuses and events:

  • Status updates on Received and/or Partially Received purchase orders
  • Status updates on Processed inbound returns
  • Status updates on Completed projects
  • Digest emails highlighting all status updates for that day, week and/or month